Idola saya di JKT48. Yaitu, Devi Kinal Putri
Nama : Devi Kinal Putri
Nama panggilan : Kinal
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Bandung, 2 januari 1996
Tinggi : 162cm
Bintang : Capricon
Perkenalan diri : "My name is Kinal, I love to dance ~ Let's dance, dance, dance!"
Tentang dia : C'mon all JKT48...Step on 1.. 2.. 3.. Play the groove!! Dance Dance Dance!! Kinal was ignorant person, likes to make laugh, mischievous, and simple. :)
Agama : Islam
Warna favorit : Red,Yellow,Green
Hobi dan kesukaan : Dance, Yawning Any live or concert, her eyes like it's exaggerate and who make kawaii One of a tomboy member with Ghaida Her siblings have 'Kinal' in their names too, but she's the only one who is called Kinal Often do not realize that typing is often a typo She enrolls primary school when she was five Kiyeon was one of her nicknames She prefers to be called Kinal to Devi because she grew up in Bandung, which people are mostly Sundanese and tend to pronounce V/F as P, so it will become Depi instead of Devi.
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya
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